Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Harlem Globetrotter Pinball For Sale

Designer Profile

understand the profile of the designer and organizer of information in terms of management, development and production of design that involves ethical commitments, social and cultural relations with the environment in which to develop.
"... visual communication design deals with the construction of visual messages in order to affect the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of people. Communication comes into existence because someone wants to transform a reality in a desired reality. The designer is responsible for developing a communications strategy for the creation of visual elements to implement and contribute to the identification and creation of other supporting activities to achieve the proposed objectives, namely the creation of that reality desired. A careful study is the public, particularly when trying to create change in their attitudes and behavior. "Jorge Frascara
To this end the professional future will develop the following skills, abilities and attitudes
  • observe and interpret reality in which it participates.
  • Reflect, create and develop a critical view of the communicative actions it produces. Joining
  • interdisciplinary teams.
  • Willingness to adapt to technological changes.
  • Develop a systematic and methodical approach to tackle the solution of communication problems.
  • develop innovative and effective visual communications. Integrating
  • imagination and reasoning. Incorporate
  • tools, techniques and technologies for the design and production of communication.
  • become aware of their social role as a factor of transformation and development of society.
  • acquire professional ethical responsibility to society and the preservation of the environment.
  • experiment and continually updated in the field of discipline.
  • Designing the design as an act of creation of culture and themselves as agents of their reflection.


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